I am always looking at the vehicles up here, and have put together another set of pictures of some that interested me.
I love the air boats. Not just for the bayous, these things are the best way to get around while gold hunting in the 40 Mile River area of Alaska.
Jet outboards are a close second. But conversion kits are $2500, and a new 30 HP Yamaha is on special now for $6000. I think my electric trolling motor will have to do for me.
I have been thinking of a rooftop setup. This rig has the outboard hanging off the back. I wonder if my ARB swing arms would handle a 10 HP?
I took this thinking of Mike and the guys back at Beach’n’Toys. It was only later I saw the CA license plates.
Here is the only Lexus 450 or FJ80 I have seen. Alaska plates, and 35″ tires is my guess.
I took this picture because of the big roof top tent. But then I noticed the VW badge… I don’t think so.
This guy is ready for an expedition.
This guy must have fallen asleep.
Some cars in the RV parks can’t have towed their trailers.
I don’t imagine this pulling a trailer either.
This is in a sort of museum outside a gift shop near Dawson City.
This is there, too.
All the best looking rigs are from Switzerland.
Here is another.
This one is from Germany, but close enough.
I thought this was cool, a pop-up on a trailer. It must be for tall tourists.
I was surprised this was not a VW. But then I saw more painted vans and the rental website on the back.