We have seen many travelers viewing the wonders of the north, we and they are all tourists. Some caught my eye and I thought I would share some of my pictures.
This is what we did back in 2000, so I know how they feel. Sorry to be leaving everywhere so soon, and hoping that they can let another notch out on their belt before dinner.
This is just cute. But I can’t imagine my dogs putting up with a coat. Besides, they love the towel rub back in the RV.
Here is a guided camera group. One expert saying “Use a wide angle here.” and “turn the camera sideways to better frame the mountain and lake at the same time.” Please move on, I’m waiting for the sun to rise enough to light up the glacier at the top.
Here is a woman well versed in the regulation about leaving the animals alone.
Here is another explorer, chasing the mountain sheep away.
But never fear, as he chased them down, this group from the bus was ready to engage the sheep and send them across the road.
Here is another large mammal sighting..
I can’t help it, these people all over the highway must really make the animals laugh.
Here is a group of tourists, I assume they are Japanese by their shared behaviour.
Here is a group of Chinese. Note the matching 4Runners parked abreast, blocking any other traffic in the busy parking lot.
While taking a picture of the quaint architecture in Jasper, some things just shout out “LOOK AT ME!!”
Here is a Swiss couple who found the same obscure lake as I did. They drove their small RV down the road and dry camped 150 feet from this spot.