After the prairies, getting up into the Rocky Mountains and Jasper Park was very nice. Though it was late in the summer and half the population of Canada seemed to be there with us. We had a reservation at the campground, and even without any hookups, we survived just fine. We scheduled coffee and tea to match up with the hours of generator use, and fired it up when needed. The CG has 340 spots, but it is well laid out, and we had a great site. There is a herd of elk, 6 or 7 animals, known to hang out in the CG, and a couple of them came right through our site.
On the way in, some mammal must have been spotted in the bushes, creating a blockage on the highway.
The mountain peaks were largely obscured by clouds, but sometimes the mist added to the view.
A view out the window as we drove along.
A female mountain sheep along the road.
And her baby nearby.
Another fantastic view.
In our campsite, this elk came walking by. There is an area in the middle of a circle of camp sites with tall grass that the elk like.
This is the Maligne River as it enters the gorge.
Down stream, the gorge gets deeper, but is very narrow.
We drove up the wrong road, and got to the base of the Jasper tram. Neither of us was interested in riding up.
Jasper town is very cute, but also very touristy.
I wanted some Tim bits, but this line was too much for me.